A downloadable anti-facist surge

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National Bail Fund Network or National Network of Abortion Funds

Starting with the rise of the Tea Party in the early 2010's, the acceptance of American fascism has seen a stark increase within our communities, our governments, our families. Donald Trump's 2016 election proved to bolster a groundswell for a "return to traditional American values of faith, family, and freedom." 

Which we all know is some white supremacist bullshit. And we are not here for some white supremacist bullshit. 

Throughout this game, players will work together to dismantle Instances of fascism popping up within their community. As a unionized effort, they will confront these obstacles, punch some Nazis, and hopefully burn some Confederate flags.

Created for the 2021 Super Secret No-Pressure Caltrop Core Jam! Never Rise Again is built on the Caltrop Core SRD by TitanomachyRPG. This game can be played by 3-4 players with an optional Agitator (GM); this game can very easily be played without a dedicated GM.


never rise again.pdf 9.2 MB


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This game gave me the biggest cathartic laugh as I read the tables of inciting incidents and obstacles. I've got a group that I think would fully get behind playing this. If you've got a group who would be motivated to show that the people united will never be divided while protesting a statue of Mitch McConnell in their hometown while having to get past the Karen army, this is for you and your friends.